Saturday, November 17, 2007

Flint Hills Tourism Coalition meets in Abilene

The monthly meeting of the Flint Hills Tourism Coalition, Inc. <> was held in Abiliene at the Old Depot:

The group was welcomed by the Mayor Leyerzapf (far right):

The featured speaker of the day was Dick Carter of TIAK, Travel Industry of Kansas executive director, sharing with the group the latest informtion on KTI (the Kansas Travel Initiative).

For more information on KTI, check out their website at <>; registration required, but interested persons are welcome to register.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello! Sorry for mistaking you with a spam:D... I don't celebrate (I mean we romanian) Thanksgiving, we have other holidays (on 6 december is Saint Neculai - as christian saint - and he's sort of Santa because children wake up in the morning and find sweekts in their shoes).