Saturday, February 21, 2009

Heritage Conference Successes, Part 1

In this first report on the 2009 Flint Hills Heritage Conference I want to focus briefly on some of the comments of Judge Deanell Tacha, Lawrence, KS, U.S. Court of Appeals Judge and Board Chair of Freedom's Frontier National Heritage Area (NHA). She really helped up understand the benefits and the challenges of pursueing our goal of a Flint Hills NHA.

Judge Tacha and Dr. Bill at 2009 Heritage Conference

She summarized the experiences, trials and tribulations, and successes of the FFNHA over the years. She first reminded us that it is "our inheritance" that is at the heart of a NHA - local people recognizing that they have an "inheritance" from those who came before; must be good stewards of the STORIES of that inheritance; and are responsible to pass on all of that to those who come after us for future generations. These stories both celebrate our past and inform our future. Judge Tacha emphasized that all NHA participation is entirely volutary. People must be ready in their own way, to participate.

Judge Tacha noted the importance of the Themes to the whole - all "must unify to benefit." Her brief review of how the participants from both Kansas and Missouri in the FFNHA had to rethink their positions on the "border wars" as part of becoming a working NHA was very useful. Finally, she reminded us of the critical imporantance of PARTNERSHIPS... many, many partnerships... to allow the whole concept of the NHA to work. Each NHA will differ in details, but the development plans each follow a common pattern. With regard to recognition legislation, Judge Tacha reiterated what I have heard before: there are likely to be no more National Parks created. Policy makers see the NHA movement as the most logical private-public collarobative way to meet those needs. We hope to be a part of that.

We had 90 registrants at the 2009 Heritage Conference in El Dorado on Friday. It was a great experience.

See you in the Kansas Flint Hills! ;-)

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